Week One Introduction
Folders and Sketchbooks
Decorate folder and sketchbook
Imagination at work worksheet Comic Book Worksheet
- 1 day after sketchbooks/folders are done - Create your own comic in the spaces
Week Two to Three
Year 1: Elements and Principles Matrix | Year 2: Elements and Principles Mix & Match
Step1: Fill in the blank section on the front.
Step 2: Go over answers. Demo, Label
elements and principles together on back.
Step 3: Continue working in class to complete
the back, draw first, then color it in.
Week Four
Georgia O'Keeffe Pastel Flowers
Step 1: PowerPoint, Demo, Look up reference flowers, Drawing Step, Glue Step
Step 2: Demo, Begin Coloring and Blending with Soft Pastels
Step 3: Finish coloring, Glue to background, upload picture to Artsonia
Week Five
Handprint Self-Portrait 8 X 11
Step 1: Demo, trace hand, draw borders, nickname, signature, begin writing.
Step 2: Finish writing, Add sections to hand and border, Fill areas with patterns, begin tracing with black colored pencil.
Step 3: Finish Tracing, color the whole paper in neatly, glue to background color.
Week Six
Op Art Worms | Op Art hands 8x11
1 Day Powerpoint/Discussion/Demo/start drawing lines
1 day finish drawing lines & trace with black sharpie begin coloring with colored pencils
1-2 days Finish coloring, glue to black background, Take pics for Artsonia
Week Seven to Eight
Sewing Projects- Ugly dolls | Emoji Keychains
Draw 4 emoji sketches and color them in.
Cut pieces and details
Sew details on
Sew most of the outside and stuff the project
Finish Sewing
Document: Take picture for Artsonia and add an artist statement!
Week Eight to Nine
Choice Based Artwork
Students will use the last week to create their own idea for an artwork of their choosing.
In Between Assignments
Inktober Sketches; Current Year and Previous years
Create an Art Meme
Search for a famous artwork online and add a funny caption with it. You can do this through google docs, a google slide, or any other app that you are comfortable using to copy, paste, and edit an image.